Indra and Indrani

Nepal, 15th Century
18.4 cm (7.25 in)

Collection of Mr. Fong Chow, Former Curator of Asian Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Published:  Chow, F. “Arts from the Rooftop of Asia: Tibet, Nepal, Kashmir”, 1971, it. 13
Exhibited: Metropolitan Museum of Art. “Arts from the Rooftop of Asia: Tibet, Nepal, Kashmir”, 1971


The artistic merits of the Newar people of the Kathmandu valley during the Malla period were lauded and sought after by many of the most powerful Asian dynasties from the 12th through 18th centuries.  Their influence can be found throughout the history of Tibetan, Chinese, and South Asian art.  Their artistic skills were highly refined due in part to the competitive nature of the Kathmandu valley in which magnificent works of art, both public and private, were often produced as displays of power, sophistication, and religious devotion amongst rival principalities and kingdoms.  Artistic skill and technical precision was fostered generation after generation in proud family lineages resulting in some of the most sumptuous and delicate bronze statues ever produced.  

Hallmarks of the medieval Malla period include the LACMA Indra (HAR # 85798), Asia Society Avalokitesvara (HAR # 88673), and the Northumberland Indra (HAR # 12854) that sold at Sothebys in September 2014.  The Malla artists were masters of depicting the natural ease and relaxed attitude of the Nepalese gods they portrayed.  Indra is the considered to be the king of all gods in both Hindu and Buddhist mythology.  While examples of Shiva and his consort, Parvati, can be found in a number of museum collections, very few such examples of Indra with his consort, Indrani, can be found.  A notable example is the Indra and Indrani at the Musée Des Arts Asiatiques in Nice, France.  

The present example can be considered a masterpiece of the Malla tradition in the elegant and relaxed manner in which the King of gods, Indra is depicted here with his arm placed gingerly around his lovers waist as she rests on his knee, their subtle smiles portrayed on delicate youthful faces.  

18.4厘米 (7.25英寸)


出版:周方Chow, F, “Arts from the Rooftop of Asia: Tibet, Nepal, Kashmir”, 1971, 编号13
展览:大都会博物馆,“Arts from the Rooftop of Asia: Tibet, Nepal, Kashmir”, 1971



中世纪马拉王朝的代表作品包括一件来自洛杉矶郡立艺术博物馆 (the Los Angeles County Museum of Art ) 的因陀罗像(喜马拉雅艺术资源中心编号:85798),一件亚洲协会 (Asia Society) 所藏的观世音像(喜马拉雅艺术资源中心编号:88673),以及一尊于20149月在苏富比拍出的因陀罗像(喜马拉雅艺术资源中心编号:12854)。马拉时期的艺术家们最为擅长的是刻画尼泊尔神灵自然放松的姿态。因陀罗被认为是印度教和佛教众神之首。虽然一些博物馆都藏有湿婆神和妻子帕尔瓦蒂的雕像,但是此种造型的因陀罗和妻子因陀拉尼像却极为少见。其中一个值得注意的因陀罗和因陀拉尼像现藏于法国尼斯亚洲艺术博物馆。
