Khasa Malla, West Tibet/Nepal, 13th Century
46.7 cm (18.4 in)
Asian collection since 1998
Kunzang Akor is the meditational form of the Bonpo deity Shenla Okar. He is depicted here with the characteristic Tibetan syllable a on his chest and with hands in meditation posture. This monumental statue is the largest known work of Bonpo sculpture created before the 18th century and a masterpiece of the Khasa Malla school of casting.
The Khasa Malla ruled significant portions of West Nepal and Tibet from the 11th century up until the 14th after which the kingdom splintered into smaller principalities eventually to be absorbed by larger states. These Central-asian peoples patronized both Buddhism and Bon and are well noted for producing some of the finest Himalayan style bronzes. Significant examples of this style can be found a the Rubin Museum (HAR # 65687) and the Patan Museum (HAR # 59501). The present example is among the largest and finest known Khasa Malla sculptures.
The Khasa Malla style is noted for exhibiting a strong physique with broad shoulders and a well defined chest, finely cast hands and feet with individuated almost lifelike fingers and toes, as well as a honey brown bronze patina coated with thick even gilding. The style of crown adorning Kunzang Akor can be found on other bronzes of the nearby Kathmandu valley such as HAR # 68446 produced during the same period.
46.7厘米 (18.4 英寸)
Kunzang Akor是苯教普贤白光佛的禅定相。胸前刻有藏文,双手施禅定印。这尊普贤像是现存最大的,十八世纪以前的苯教塑像,也是一件迦舍末罗铸造的精品。
a. 鲁宾艺术博物馆藏品(喜马拉雅艺术资源中心编号:65687)
b. 帕坦博物馆藏品(喜马拉雅艺术资源中心编号:59501)
Walter Arader Himalayan Art
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1016 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10075
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