
Tibet, 18th Century
Dry Lacquer
27.3 cm ( 10.75 in)

Acquired in Hong Kong 1998

HAR: # 30117 

Marpa Chokyi Lodro (1012-1096) was one of the most important teachers and translators of the Indian Sanskrit Tantras during the second diffusion of Buddhism into Tibet. He laid the foundations for what developed into the Kagyu school. According to legend, his principle teacher was the Indian Mahasiddha Naropa and his principle student was the poet saint Milarepa. Marpa is depicted here seated upon a double lotus cushion with a characteristicly stern gaze, short cropped hair cut, and adorned in the clothes of a lay house holder. Other examples of this iconic form can be found in the Pritzker Collection (HAR # 58311) and in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (HAR # 86430).

The present example is one of the finest known pieces of late Tibetan lacquer work. It features exceptionally fine carving and well executed floral motifs throughout the clothing and cushion base. A short inscription in verso reads, “Homage to Marpa the Translator from Lodrak” referring to the southern province of Lodrak from which Marpa established his hermitage.

This sculpture is from a set of at least five figures constituting the lineage of the Kagyu forefathers; Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa, and Karmapa. The Milarepa is in the Mountain Sanctuary Collection (HAR # 30050) and two other figures are in a private collection.

27.3厘米 10.75 英寸)


喜马拉雅艺术资源中心编号: 30117

马尔巴确吉洛卓(1012-1096) 是历史上印度佛教第二次外传到西藏期间最重要的译经家之一。他将印度密法传入西藏,建立了西藏噶举传承,是噶举派在西藏第一位上师。据传马尔巴师从密教之大成就者那洛巴,而西藏伟大的诗人密勒日巴则是马尔巴的弟子。这尊马尔巴像坐于双层莲花坐垫,面露特征性的严厉目光,短发,着居士俗服。此种极具代表性的形式还可参见于一件来自普利兹克收藏 (The Pritzker Collection) 的藏品 (喜马拉雅艺术资源中心编号:58311) ,以及另一件大都会博物馆藏品(喜马拉雅艺术资源中心编号:86430)。


这尊塑像是一组包括了至少五尊噶举派先辈塑像的其中之一:分别是那洛巴、马尔巴、密勒日巴、冈布巴和噶玛巴。其中密勒日巴像为Mountain Sanctuary 收藏(喜马拉雅艺术资源中心编号30050),另外有两尊为另一私人收藏所有。